由 rice 發佈 @ 9:41:00 上午 3 則留言
你click"其它"都可以留言比我ga wor~thanks for the comment first!無日日呀,去左2日ja ma, 為左想個朋友開心番0的。
So the project is all about your friend?Did she feel better?
kinda...she said she's better, hope it's true!
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Write and draw, la la la, and i love taking photos, sticking my stuff all around
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3 則留言:
你click"其它"都可以留言比我ga wor~
thanks for the comment first!
無日日呀,去左2日ja ma, 為左想個朋友開心番0的。
So the project is all about your friend?
Did she feel better?
she said she's better, hope it's true!
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