星期五, 5月 25, 2007


到太平館去,沒有遇見Buddha,聽說他到McDonald's開生日會啦......對於太平館,其實從很久以前就聽過了,頭一回是在一本介紹餐廳的書看到的,那時候被那篇幅吸引是那大大的Souffle! 之後,再遇到就是看到李純恩和Kedy寫的東西,於是那早就存在的“心思思”爆發了!

(中)Swiss Chicken wings, *****/5!

S O u FF LE~~~~~!!!!




星期一, 5月 21, 2007

Here, i draw myself somehow.

i am a panda, i am 606
i am a rabbit.
I have a big mouth.
It always open, becuz i laugh all the time.
i look funny and ugly.
But nevermind,
all i want is your happy smile!

this is especially for you
i have no money, i am not rich
i know this does not work much
but i just wanna do every tiny little thing to make you happy again!

星期三, 5月 09, 2007


海洋公園把不同地方的動物都帶來了,說要提出Globla Warming的重要。
公園啊,你可真矛盾呢!WE tried our best to spred this msg!!

(above) Ying! Thanks for joining the project~ =)
(below) my work, white wolfs saying it's getting hotter on the earth.

just trying out best to voice out!! Spread~